We have acquired the ELIIT project alongside CEPLANT

30. 6. 2020

Together with CEPLANT from the Masaryk University, we were awarded the prestigious ELIIT project. 

Thanks to this project we are able to improve the properties of nanomaterials to the highest possible level. The European Union supported only 15 projects from all over Europe; we are the only grouping of two projects from the same country.  

By now, we all know that we can use nanofibers in face masks for better air filtration. But the applications are so much broader than that, we just need to improve properties such as: 

  • Water resistance 
  • Water repellency and permeability 
  • Mechanical properties 
  • Adhesion 

These are precisely the areas we are focusing on in this joint project. The aim is to find the most effective ways to modify and improve nanomaterials.